06/06/2014 (Continuous Resonance Solo Project) Improv 2

Neil Welch, Continuous Resonance Project
Date: 06/06/2014
Location: Home studio in Clinton, WA (Whidbey Island)
Instrument: Tenor saxophone
Performed Acoustically


Improvisation Two

I recorded two improvisations this morning. In this, the second of the two improvisations, I wanted to create a kind of singular, free flowing melodic line. I wanted it to feel as though it had no beginning or ending, but just a feeling of subconscious motion. The multiphonic chords were intended to be played in such a fashion as to fold their colors into this melodic line rather than try to interrupt it. This folding in of chords is a concept I’ve been working on during my practice sessions lately.

The image “#117 Rochester” by Richard M. Margolis (October 6, 1976).