07/08/2013 (12 Moons Solo Project Day 189)

12 Moons Solo Saxophone Project Day 189

Date: 07/08/2013

Instrument: Tenor saxophone

Location: Practice Room A at South Whidbey High School.  Langley, WA (Whidbey Island)


This afternoon I worked with rougher, unfinished textures to try and create tiny microcosmic worlds with a wide range of color inside of them.  My improvisation today is my shortest recording to date on this project, and was intended to be a very focused, bright burst of color.  This piece uses a single fingering, which traditionally produces a very stable, de-tuned major chord multiphonic, but in this case was used to create a much wider range of sound.  This fingering was as follows:

(Left Hand) B-A-G keys, Low C# // (Right Hand) F-E-D keys, Low C, Side C

A month ago I participated in a concert with the legendary saxophonist Roscoe MItchell.  In his adaptation of Nonaah for Cello Quartet, the torrent of sound rises to a climax in the final pitch of the piece, which held out at full volume in a terrifying chord which then slowly, achingly falls away into silence.  Listening to it from the audience I felt like I was a body at the shore line being uncontrollably pulled out into the ocean.  There was a power to it that simply amazed me, and during this improvisation the source of my ending almost certainly stemmed from this concept.  


The image “Drawing for Tansient Rainbow” by Cai Guo-Qiang (2003)